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Bear-y Yummy Words (Freebie)

Here is a real quick freebie for you. I love bears and we do a bear unit each January. There's just something about bears that kids love!

Hehe - here's my son Jaden. He's 11, but when he saw me pull out the box of Cookie Crisp, he was a VERY willing helper! Hhmmmm..... mental note -- how could I use this darn cereal to bribe him in other ways..... :) Cute kid, huh? :)

This is a Dolch sight word game. It includes both pre-primer and primer words. It's a super simple game. Each player gets a bear character with a cookie jar. The object of the game is to earn cookies for your cookie jar. I have printed cookies for this if you can't use food in the classroom, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE using the tiny mini cookies (even Cookie Crisp cereal works really well)!
Your students can eat the cookies they earn or you can even have them put them in a baggie and take them home for an afternoon snack!

Click HERE to grab this freebie!!

I hope you like it!!!


  1. This is so CUTE! I need to go buy a box of cereal. .just to try.

  2. I'm off to buy cereal...ALWAYS need a fun way to practice sight words and this is soooo cute! Thanks!

  3. Off to buy cereal! I'm always looking for a fun way to practice sight words and this is sooo cute! Thanks!

  4. What a fun idea! I think I might adapt this just a smidge and have my first graders play with math facts to earn their bear's cookies! Thank you.
