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My Schedule

I received an email from someone asking for a copy of my schedule that I briefly showed during my video "Sub Tub". So I thought I'd post it here in case anyone else is interested in it. This is the schedule that works best for my class....

My Schedule

I have a very early P.E. time so it is important for me to get in the subjects that require alot of mental focus in before 9:30. UPSL is our problem solving time. You will notice we are in the classroom each day from 11:20 to the end of the day - uuggh!! It is hard!

I do Writer's Workshop in the aftenoon. The kids enjoy the calming atmosphere after lunch and it is early enough in the day that they are still able to do really good with their writing.

I leave Math and Math Tubs for the end of the day because those are interactive enough kids are always engaged.

Student Teacher Welcome Pack.

Ok, so I'm on a roll with doing videos. Woo-hoo for me!!!

I am going to have a student teacher joining me in a couple of weeks so it got me thinking about what I want to do for her as a welcome to my class. I remember student teaching and feeling out of sorts going into another teacher's classroom. I had the BEST mentor teacher, but I still felt out of place at the beginning. I remember all the little things she did to make me feel welcomed.~~ Thank you, Mrs. Vaughan!!

So, it's important to me to do a little something special for my new student teacher. I have put together a small welcome gift that will also help her start off on the right foot!

Watch the video below!

Sub Tub - How to Make Your Subs Happy!!

Well, I have braved the webcam again! (Don't laugh too hard).

One of the questions I get a lot is how to make sub plans easy for the teacher and beneficial for the substitute.

What is a sub tub?

What should I include in my sub tub?

How can a sub tub make my life easier?

Well, below is video I made answering these questions and more. I pulled out my own sub tub to show you all the nitty-gritty details!!