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Graduation Invitations and Caps

Our time is winding down for this school year (yeah I know some of you lucky ducks are already out--- don't even talk to me :0) I've had the privilege of having the MOST wonderful class EVER! Although I am as ready to be done as anyone -- I know I will truly miss this group. It really has been a "Once-in-a-Teaching Career" kind of group!

Anyhoo - I'm getting some finishing details done for our special kindergarten graduation and I am in LOVE with them. The picture above shows our invitations! I personalized each invitation. What a great keepsake for parents....and I rolled them up with ribbon -- the kids thought that was hopefully the invitations made it home for mom and dad to see. :0) Click HERE to get my FREE KINDERGARTEN GRADUATION INVITATIONS.

Along with our invitations, we've been working on our graduation caps too!

I use the graduation cap kit from Really Good Stuff . They are $4.99 for 12 caps.
I then have the kids color them VERY HARD with rainbow colors. I don't really explain why - I just show them later!. I go back over and paint them with black tempera paint. Once they are dry I scratch their names on top! The kids oohhh and aaahhh over them and they are always surprised that their names are in rainbow colors - each one is different because they all use different colors in different patterns. We paint the strip also - and I let the kids scratch the paint to reveal rainbow pictures underneath! They love this activity and what a great memory keepsake!

I'll be sharing some more pictures in the week to come! :0)