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100th Day of Kindergarten!!

The 100th day of kindergarten was Thursday. It really was an incredible day to remember! I have tons I want to share so I'll get started! We decided to do this LOUD activity in our kindergarten P.E. portable (I didn't want others to think gun shots were going off :0)

Our day began bright and early with 100 Balloon Popping Party. Now this activity wasn't just about having fun and popping balloons, there was real learning going on (imagine that!). We went popping in groups of 10 and counted/recorded each balloon we popped - all the way to 100. The kids really got a sense of just how many 100 is because this activity took about 30 minutes. Everytime they popped balloons - there were more... 100 is a very large number. I can testify. I came into school about 5:00a.m. to start blowing up balloons!

We also made fruit loop necklaces. Each table group had a paper plate full of fruit loops. Before we began the activity we taped a string of yarn on the table where each child sits. (Note to self: do not ever use yarn again, instead use a thick string). The yarn began to unravel for some kids. We did place tape around the end of the yarn to make it easier to thread the fruit loops. The kiddos then got to choose a color and place 10 fruit loops on the yarn. At the end of each group of 10 - kids placed the corresponding number on the necklace (10, 20, 30, etc.)
The kids LOVED this activity. It took a long time (over an hour), but the kids actually counted to 100 and stayed engaged the entire time!. They were so excited about making the necklace they didn't even think about it being a learning activity!

This was only a couple activities we did for 100th day..... We did so much more. I'll add that in another post :0)

Whew!!! I'm tired.....................


  1. I'm sure the balloons were a hit! How sweet of you to blow them all up.
    Forever in First

  2. ahh my cheeks hurt just thinking of blowing up 100 balloons! So much fun for your kids!!

    Kindergarten Smiles

  3. Love the balloon idea. I am sure the kiddos really enjoyed that.

    Come check out my blog:

  4. It really was a super fun day. I love when kids leave for the day and give you a great big hug and say, "This is best day of my life!"

  5. We celebrated our 100th day Friday. We wanted to do the ballons, but knew we would never get them blown up in time. The froot loops necklace has always been a fav in my class. I really like the markers between each grp. of 10, Thanx for sharing pics.

  6. OMG!!!!! I'm so JEALOUS!!!! Looks like so much fun!!!! I wish I was in your class!

    ❤ Mor Zrihen from...
    A Teacher's Treasure
    Teaching Treasures Shop

  7. Oh my gosh I bet they had a *blast* popping those balloons! :)

    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  8. Just found your blog! What a fun party. I love the balloon popping party.

    Chickadee Jubilee

  9. Super fun 100th Day! Mine is on Monday and I would love to do the balloons, but no where to really d it safely. Your kids look like they had so mcuh fun! I am doing the necklaces too and I didn't realize it would take so long, so thank you for mentioning it! I have the groups of 10 markers (free from the Busy Bees) and they are all cutour for the kids, so I am hoping that speeds it up. I am also going to let them do assorted colors rather than 10 of one color. Hopefully that will also shorten the time. I love how yours look! Glad I found your blog!

  10. Freckleteacher - I have had them make patterns before (instead of one color) and those are cute too. Then you get in 2 concepts - counting and patterns.

    Even with the time it took - I thought it was very valuable as they kept saying, "Wow, look how many!". And they all stay engage right up to the last fruit loop!!!

    I hope you had as much fun as we did!! :0)

  11. I found busy bees. Wow the great ideas for 100th day. Stuff I've never seen before!
    I pinned it here:

    This pin will also take you to the paper markers for the fruit loop necklaces..

    Thanks Freckleteacher for sharing!!

  12. My 100 Day party is Feb. 17th. I always do fruit loop necklaces too but I use curling ribbon instead of yarn (it's quite stiff) and I tie a fruit loop about 6 inches from the end of the ribbon. The loops don't fall off and I have enough room to tie the necklaces once they're done.
