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Rainbow Sun Catcher

We have had tons of fun learning about rainbows this week! Such exciting stuff! A rainbow is truly an amazing weather phenomena.

We finished up our learning with some fun rainbow crafts. Check it out!

For this activity, you just need clear Clear Contact Paper, 18" x 9', Rainbow colored tissue paper, scotch tape, and scissors.

Cut a large square (1 foot by 1 foot depending on how big you want the rainbow). Lay it out on a table with the backing side up. Tape the sides down onto the table. Peel the backing off starting at one corner.
 Form a rainbow using the tissue paper. This is a great time for kids to use their rainbow knowledge to create the rainbow or simply let them be creative (GASP - I know that seems to be a bad word in some schools today :).


And, here's the sun catcher in action! So pretty! We also hole-punched the bottom of the rainbow and tied different colored curling ribbon to finish the effect. I love how bright and cheerful they make the house! :)

We also made paper plate rainbows. I wrote the ROY G. BIV acronym down the middle on the "half moon" and Reagan colored the rainbow. 

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